We pay attention to each other! And we help each other!
“Pay attention to each other,” said Minister Bruins. “I am counting on you” said the Prime Minister. The Board of the Neighborhood Association (Wijkvereniging Benoordenhout) takes their words very seriously. Also, asking for help helps!
In our neighborhood there are many people who have offered their help. They have registered en masse via help@wvbn.nl. This is awesome! It is the goal of the Neighborhood Association to facilitate aid in an easy and accessible way.
If needed, please ask for help in the fight against the coronavirus.
In addition to offering help, asking for help is just as important. Not only when you are sick. As we all know, the coronavirus is especially dangerous for older people. That fact is often difficult to accept. Especially if you belong to that group. Accepting help is very important in the fight against the rapid spread and keeping the pressure on our healthcare system manageable. Asking for help is not something to be ashamed of, asking for help helps us all.
What help can we offer?
You can think of all kinds of simple services where you can, for example, avoid contact with larger groups of people or, in a safe way, keep in touch with your surroundings.
- Shopping
- Walking the dog
- Chat / chat
- A permanent contact person
- Etc.
Mail: helpen@wvbn.nl
Telephone: 070 – 324 03 07
More Information:
On the website of the Wijkverenging, you can find this information, plus more from VoorWelzijn en Evita Lokaal about support options which are available here locally or nationally.
Unfortunately, people can also take advantage of the current crisis. Call 911 immediately if you suspect something.